We would like to greatly thank the HealthySeas and StichtingHepertofauna organizations for the donations made to our association Turtle Rescue Cahuita.

Thanks to these donations, we have been able to complete the remodeling of the new nursery for the protection of turtle eggs that we collected during our beach patrols. This is a great achievement for our organization, since it will allow us to continue with our research project and protection of sea turtles, in addition to the environmental education activities that we carry out within the community. Our organization is committed to actively protecting sea turtles and raising awareness in the community of the need to conserve our environment, so that future generations can enjoy the benefits of a healthy environment. HealthySeas and StichtingHepertofauna are organizations that are truly committed to conserving biodiversity and the environment, and that have given us great help so that we can continue to achieve our goals. So we appreciate your donations again. In these times of confinement, the work becomes harder, we cannot receive volunteers to our facilities due to the current sanitary restrictions and we are a small group of local people who continue to walk on the beach to protect the greatest number of nests, unfortunately, egg looters do not stop going to the beach every night. We appreciate in advance all the help that can be provided to our association. Turtle Rescue Cahuita

HealthySeas and StichtingHepertofauna are organizations that are truly committed to conserving biodiversity and the environment,