March 2024 news

  • March 1st


    New boxes for the eggs

    Donation of boxes to house the eggs until the baby turtles hatch

  • March 3th

    News cairns

    92 cairns filled on 2.3km of beach, it helps locate and identify turtle activity zones and only 145 remaining


    March 3th

  • March 6th


    First sighting

    First sighting of the year 2024 with a 1.6m baula turtle, but no opportunity to tackle it and collect data.
  • March 14th

    First nest

    First nest of the 2024 season rescued from Baula Turtle with 50 eggs by Happy, one of the census leaders

    March 14th

  • March 15th


    2nd nest

    2nd nest saved by Samuel & Ronaldo

  • March 22th

    Ecological Blue Flag

    Ecological Blue Flag award for Playa Grande de Cahuita in the beaches category


    March 22th

  • March 27th


    First workshop

    First workshop in preparation for the Moín 2024 season